Yup. You know youre a nurse when this is all you hear; day in, day out, and then even go to bed hearing the same words. Still, for all the curses, rages, misunderstandings and sheer ignorance that comes part and parcel with the role; you wouldnt change it for the world (well, maybe the rages... and the ignorance... actually if the poop could go too that would be great?). Barfing, puking, and exasperating patients aside: no other job gives the kind of satisfaction that comes with being a nurse. From the first breaths of a baby, to the last of the elderly: youre present at the most personal, precious moments of peoples lives. It requires ultimate compassion, respect, and patience; qualities that dont come naturally to everyone. For every horror movie patient, there are a dozen that touch your soul, and make it all worthwhile. Did this speak your language? Have any more trials and tribulations to add to the bunch? More importantly, how many bodily substances did you deal with today? Now is the time, nurseys - get it all out in the comments below!