13 Most Ridiculous Deaths In History

4. Lee Seung Seop - StarCraft

Video games are often accused of being responsible for influencing the very worst crimes in society. For example, we're constantly told that the Grand Theft Auto games are in fact the sole cause of violence these days, supposedly in a similar way that Mario Kart is responsible for the shocking rise in banana-related road accidents. But there is one game which can legitimately be blamed for the actual death of someone; a person who happened to be playing the game at the time. The game in question was StarCraft, and the victim was Lee Seung Seop. Lee visited an internet cafe in 2005 and began playing the game...for over fifty hours straight. Now I may not be overly familiar with the game itself, but I seriously doubt that it is gripping enough to occupy you until your dying moment. Lee fell into cardiac arrest and died at a local hospital, and was rather flatly described as being a "gaming addict", points for diagnosis there. I hope for his sake, he at least set a record for a new high score.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.