13 Most Ridiculous Deaths In History

3. Jose Luis Ocha - Cockfight

Every so often the world decides that there are enough despicable people doing horrendous things and throws a great big ball of irony in the face of those who deserve it most. That is most definitely the case with the unfortunate Jose Luis Ochoa, in California, 2011. Cockfighting is the brutal blood sport wherein roosters are trained to savage each other for the entertainment and betting prowess of an audience. It's very much illegal, but there remains a prominent underground ring of poultry-based Fight Clubs. Sometimes the roosters are "upgraded", and have dagger-like weapons harnessed to their limbs in order to do more damage to their opponent, and this was something present at the fight attended by Ochoa. The man was struck by one of the animals during a fight; he was stabbed through the calf by a rooster armed with a knife. Ochoa was known to have been caught training a bird for a cockfighting ring, so the fact that he was slain by one is not only magnificent, but it makes me hope that the bird in question knew what he was doing in a bid for independence.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.