13 Most Ridiculous Deaths In History

2. Garry Hoy - Irony

Another unfortunate victim of relentless irony was Toronto-based lawyer at Holden Day Wilson - at the time, the biggest law firm in Canada - and all round nice guy, Garry Hoy. Hoy was the laughable, jokey type of character often entrusted with the duty of showing the potential new blood around the building, and that's precisely what he was doing with a group of articling students in July 1993, when irony pounced on him. Hoy's favourite party piece was to demonstrate the unbreakable glass of the building on an extremely high floor, the 24th floor, to be exact. In order to do this, Hoy would hurl himself against the window, and bounce back off, much to the adulation of the audience. However, on this fateful occasion, Hoy tried the feat a second consecutive time...and plunged straight through. The irony of the incident? The unbreakable glass did not shatter on impact, but the whole window pane juddered free from the frame, meaning that Hoy had accidentally defenestrated himself.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.