13 Most Ridiculous Deaths In History

11. Li Po - Loving The Moon

Also known as Li Bai, Li Po is often regarded as being one of the most celebrated poets in the history of Chinese literature. In the 8th century, he is seen as one of the most important figures in the Golden Age Of China, where culture is concerned, having written over one thousand poems, a great deal of which have survived the twelve-hundred years since his death. But it is the manner of that death which is now equally as intriguing to most, as it is simply one of the most bizarre manners of demise considered for one of such high esteem. Li Po is said to have been sitting in a boat, floating gently down the Yangtze River one night, when, upon observing the beauty of the moon reflected in the surface of the river, attempted to embrace the image. I don't mean embrace in any artistic manner here, I mean Li Po tried to literally embrace the reflection. He fell out of the boat and drowned, all whilst attempting to hug the moon. Thanks to how long ago the poet lived, we cannot be overly sure whether this is a truly factual account or not, but regardless, it has entered Chinese culture as the accepted version. So one of the most highly regarded creative minds of the country is now celebrated for having drowned attempting to give the moon a bit of a loving squeeze.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.