13 Most Ridiculous Deaths In History

7. Dick Wertheim - Tennis Ball

If there's anything that all men can agree upon, it's that being struck in the dangly regions is not something to be trifled with. Regardless of how much we'll be told otherwise, any serious attack on that whole area is to be regarded as a tragic blow which will shock every man into a solemn head shake for their stricken brethren. Well, that and it's also pretty flat out hilarious, so it's a bit of a double-edged sword. But the man to demonstrate to all of us just why the nether regions are not an area that should be left open for attack was the greatly unfortunate - and even more unfortunately named - Dick Wertheim. Wertheim was a tennis official at the US Open in 1983 when he was struck in the groin by a wayward serve from Stefan Edber. I'm aware you're all either wincing or laughing hysterically right now, as it's kinda something we always want to see happen when watching tennis, but this one went a little too far. The force of impact knocked Wertheim backwards out of his chair and caused him to strike his head on the court floor, he died five days later after arriving unconscious at hospital, and was not able to be revived. Wertheim is a martyr for us all, never again shall we laugh at the foulness and seriousness of a blow to the cojones...ish.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.