13 Most Ridiculous Deaths In History

6. Jack Daniel - Stubbed Toe

You may recognise Jack Daniel as the man who gave the most bland and okay of all the bourbons to the world: Jack Daniel's. Thanks to this man, hundreds of thousands of teenagers the world over can perch themselves at the back of a crowd at a gig and sip at a short glass, sometimes with bottle at hand, and claim that it gives them some sort of edge. He's also inadvertently responsible for every laddish student flat being decorated with at least one poster displaying his product logo. So the man has a lot to answer for really. Daniel met his end in a particularly undignified and all round amusing manner, thanks to an infection which spread initially from a wound on his toe, as the time before effective medical care was a cruel time indeed. How did Daniel wound his toe in the first place? He flailed out in a full on hissy fit at not being able to remember the combination code for his safe and kicked the massive thing. That's right, the man who is responsible for the uncontrollable mood swings of thousands of drinkers died thanks to being unable to control his temper at an inanimate object, poetic, no? Supposedly, Daniel could have easily prevented the infection from spreading by cleaning his toe with a sample of his own product, making his death all the most ridiculous.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.