13 Things You Didn't Know About Stephen King
Carrie had to be rescued from the trash can!

Unless you have been holed up in Annie Wilkes' cabin for the last 50 years, having your limbs cut off one by one and trying your darnedest to bash out your own bestseller, you know the name Stephen King.
Often heralded as the definitive horror fiction writer, King has penned almost as many novels as Nicolas Cage has starred in films: 61 to date, with around 200 short stories. To say the man does not take a break is a crying understatement, and King has said himself that he writes every single day of the year.
Having tried his severed hand at film, theatre, music and philanthropy, It is no wonder then that the King of Horror has more than a few tricks up his sleeves and skeletons in the closet, to wonder and wow perhaps even the most attentive of fans.
Now, let's take a break and go for a moonlit stroll through these lucky thirteen things you didn't know about Stephen King before he has the chance to do anything else!
All work and no play, and all that...
13. He Is A Long-time Contributor To Porn Magazines

King began his writing career pitching short stories to a range of men's magazines (some now defunct).
Throughout the 1970s, King published stories in Playboy, Penthouse, Adam and others. These stories have since been brought together and published as the potentially tongue-in-cheek Night Shift short story collection.
That, however, is not the end of his foray into the risque end of the literary scene. Playboy have long been known as proprietors of the arts (publishing such heavyweights as Vladimir Nabokov and Margaret Atwood) and has maintained a long relationship with King since his first interview for them in 1983.
As recently as 2009, King has had pieces published with the porn titan, securing a rare spot of narrative poetry - The Bone Church - in that year's November edition.