14 Important Life Lessons You Only Learn By Accident
9. Don't Click That Link
"You won't believe what these people are saying about you in this video, even though you don't recall being associated with people who make videos about extremely mundane people." It wasn't until we first clicked these dubious links on our Facebook and/or Twitter accounts and "logged in" again that we were handing our passwords over to Lord knows who. It wasn't long ago that these spam comments were commonplace enough to force handfuls of us to start a new social media account, or have an existential crisis that would result in our ditching the concept of keeping up with people we don't care about altogether. Of course, I still see these scams trying to grab my attention on Twitter, where Direct Messages will "entice" me with pleas to make sure that I'm up-to-date on rumors that are somehow being spread about me. The real lesson we learned? Everyone is trying to scam us, one way or another.
Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com