14 Most Haunted Objects From Around The World

2. The Bidduk Box

According to Jewish folklore, the biddux box is basically a wine cabinet that is haunted by a restless evil spirit who loves possessing humans. There is a story of one in particular that is now famous because of its ebay description in an attempt to get rid of it. During an auction in Portland, one man bought the bidduk box unaware of what it really was. A girl who knew about it told him, and consequently freaked him out. She told him that it was evil, that he must never open it and it had belonged to her grandmother who wanted to have it buried with her in an attempt to stop it from harming others; but as this defies Jewish tradition, her family ignored her bizarre request. The man experienced the haunting for himself as light bulbs smashed, he was haunted and when he tried to give it to another person, they would reject it. His mother had a stroke when it was in her possession and all she said to him when he visited her in hospital was 'hategift'. A man named Jason Haxton bought it, wrote a book about it and thus The Possession was made into a film. Fame and wealth isn't really worth the evil cabinet chilling in your basement though is it?
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com