14 Most Haunted Objects From Around The World

7. The Busby Stoop Chair

Would you sit in a chair and after hearing the stories of all of those who have previously taken a rest and died shortly afterwards? The story goes that Thomas Busby murdered his father in law in 1702 because he sat in his favourite chair, seems fair. Except it wasn't just the death site that was said to be haunted by Busby's ghost, it was the chair too. On his way to the gallows, he cursed anyone who also had the audacity to sit in his chair and apparently, he wasn't joking. Anyone who has sat in the chair since has died. During the Second World War, soldiers who sat in the chair never came home, two air force pilots who sat in the chair died in a car crash as soon as they left the pub, and even the landlady who slipped onto the chair when she was cleaning, died of a brain tumour shortly after. There are many others who have sat in the chair and died but is it all a big coincidence? People are done with taking any chances, so the chair has been nailed on a wall five feet above the ground to stop anyone from sitting on it.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com