14 Problems Only People From Milton Keynes Will Understand

14. The Way The Grid System Works

If you're not from Milton Keynes, navigating the grid system, of which MK is pretty famous for, can be an absolute nightmare. Every roundabout has got a name, but you can't remember any of them. Every road has got a street name and a code name (I.e. H09) - and for some reason, Milton Keyenians love directing you via the code names. The fact that every street looks the same and strangers to MK are usually trying to get to the city centre makes for a whole lot of lefts and rights and generally feeling disorientated by all the straight lines. It€™s ok though, because receiving a text saying €˜V11 to E04 to H01€™ makes perfect sense to you if you€™re a local. Kudos to all who live there who can make their way around with no hassle.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).