14 Problems Only Runners Will Understand

6. You Can€™t Stop Talking About It

When you enter a pub you can usually hear the chatter, banter and squabble of a myriad of people. They€™re laughing, arguing, drinking, playing pool and eating crisps. Then, after a moment or two, you will hear it. Your head darts from left to right, sweat appearing on your brow as your heart-rate increases. Unfortunately, your partner has heard it too and their shoulders droop as the reality of the situation dawns on them. Someone, somewhere, is talking about running. And you want in on the action. You skip past people with the skill only a marathon runner has and there, there in the corner, there€™s some people you recognise from ParkRun. You don€™t really know them bar a nod and a smile but, so what? They€™re talking about running! You sit with them and the night flies by for, well, you (your partner has found some people who talk about, well, anything but running). You discuss watches, running shoes, motivational playlists, PB€™s, winter training. It€™s amazing. You feel like you can breath again. What€™s also amazing is that none of you know each other, you€™ve just all found yourselves together in perfect harmony. The only thing better than running is talking about running. And the only thing better than talking about running is more actual running.
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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com