14 Reasons Taxi Drivers Hate You

Can you handle the truth?

Everybody has a story to tell about the taxi ride from hell. A journey they feared would never end, or at least it looked like it wouldn't unless there was a significant amount of bloodshed. Although the finer details will vary, the chances are you'll recognise at least one of the following scenarios. The driver was convinced he had the combined wisdom of Gandalf and Yoda and thought you'd benefit from his precious knowledge - on all subjects. The driver had recently gone through a divorce. The driver had just read an inflammatory Daily Mail article. The driver had the last passenger's eyeballs hanging from his rearview mirror €... Of course we know we're no angels, and there are times when we're less than congenial company ourselves. There are plenty of perfectly normal taxi drivers out there and they have as many horror stories as we do. Unsurprisingly the plots mainly centre on booze. It's probably true that even the raving UKIP voters among the ranks have decent cause for complaint at times. Hours upon hours of involuntary research, i.e people sitting in taxis without the protection of iPods, have given us a painfully thorough understanding of exactly what it is cabbies don't like about their fares. So if you want to know what the nightmare is from the other perspective, read on.
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Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph