14 Things We Can't Believe Happened 10 Years Ago

1. Facebook Was Invented

Facebook Now worth an estimated 2.3 billion dollars, it's difficult to pin point an exact time when 'The Facebook', as it was known back in '04, wasn't such a huge part of everyday living and becoming so big it is now used as a verb: "I'll Facebook it." It's humble beginnings in Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard dorm were even depicted the 2010 hit movie The Social Network, under the tagline: You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies. Glance around during your morning commute and nearly everyone will be engrossed in their News Feed, and the funny thing is that Facebook has now become a status symbol: "She may be your girlfriend but are you 'Facebook official' yet?" It's an addictive, attention-grabbing and evocative social networking jungle and one of the fastest technological glories of the modern age, becoming an extension to our lives like a virtual memoir. But we may be moving into an age of Facebook overload as it seems to now document all of the boring parts of life one shouldn't really broadcast. It's when you start to receive a 'Friend Request' from an old aunty or render people who don't have a profile as 'a bit dodgy' that you realise it's all gone a bit mad. Why do people feel the need to 'Check-In' to 'My Comfy Bed' or pose for yet another selfie entitled 'Just me...'? Or explain to us their gym workout? Trust me, we really, really DON'T want to hear about it! What else are you amazed is ten years old? Share your own points below in the comments thread.

Rosie is a Music Journalist from Newcastle upon Tyne, with a huge passion for live music. When she's not attending gigs she loves to star gaze, drink pints of tea and play the viola.