14 Problems Only London Cyclists Will Understand

2. Everyone Has Ways Of Preventing Theft

The second you get a bike, people will start feverishly saying things like "one lock isn't enough mate, use as many locks as it takes, padlocks, D locks, locks of your own hair, just whack 'em all on there, you'll need them". Some of the advice is good- if you can only lock one wheel, make it the back one, because removing it is more likely to do expensive damage- and some of it is useless and you'll roll your eyes at everyone's paranoia. Until someone nicks your bike lights because you didn't bother to take them with you and you start your own feverish whispering into the abyss. Speaking of...
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Brydie is an Australian writer and performer living in London and she complains exactly the same amount about the weather as every other Australian living in London. Yes, that is her natural lip colour, no, she will not be taking any further questions at this time.