14 Things That Will Happen If You Work In An Office

14. You Discover Everyone's True Colours On The Staff Night Out

You'll never really get to know each other just from working together as everyone's true colours will be revealed on the epic night that will be the staff party. Once alcohol is involved and people aren't worried about hiding how much they actually procrastinate in a day, they can let loose and you'll be able to see who belongs to which clique. You'll be able to look and observe, like you're watching and starring in a documentary on the Discovery Channel. Who flirts in order to get a drink or a promotion? Who has all of the inside knowledge and gossip? Whatever information you can gather, make sure you keep a record because you may be able to use it to your advantage later on. Not in a blackmailing kind of way, more of a "if I rub your back, you can rub mine" sort of way, because who doesn't love a good back massage? However, as the night unwinds and you slowly discover how your colleagues tick, you'll discover a lot about the people that you work with. With any luck, you'll find out who keeps on changing the control of the thermostat if you're lucky.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com