14 Things To Prepare For If You Date A Girl With Big Boobs

5. You'll Have To Put Up With A Lot Of Staring

People stare. A lot. It's something that she doesn't even notice anymore (she does), she just pretends that it doesn't bother her anymore (it does). People will come up to her and ask to feel them, sometimes they do this without asking, she'll be quizzed over whether they're real and of course, she's defined by them. People think that because you have a big chest, then you must be promiscuous and a sexual deviant. Chances are, she plays it relatively safe in the bedroom and would rather get a take out and watch Netflix than spend a night out on the town. But who wouldn't?
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com