14 Things To Prepare For If You Date A Girl With Big Boobs

10. There Will Be A Lot Of Tears

There are going to be times when she'll feel fat because nothing fits but it's actually because her boobs are so big that the material just can't cover them. Never buy her a dress that has side zips because she'll never get into it, and she'll be trying hard to squeeze her boobs into something that isn't going to shut, so be prepared to intervene before she chops them off. Be patient with her when she goes shopping and you'll probably have to go in for half the cost of an expensive 'boob friendly' dress from one of those 'boob friendly' shops where she buys her bras from, because everything else in the high street makes her look like a lady of the night.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com