Alligators are far superior to humans because dinosaurs. The first alligators were on this planet 37 million years ago in the Oligocene epoch. They have continued to remain a top predator in the states where they occur, including Florida, Louisiana and Georgia. With tough skin, nictitating membranes and a bite force of almost 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi), theyre tougher than a human suit. For comparison, humans eat meat with a bite force of around 150 to 200 psi. Alligators also respond to bird nesting seasons. They will balance sticks and branches on their noses to encourage birds to come close to get nesting supplies. When the birds swing by, the gators snap, getting a pretty tasty meal. They're also excellent parents. Females care for their young, protecting them from predators for up to one year. Such care is rare among reptiles. Strong, smart and parental? That's a scary dinosaur.