15 Amazing Websites You Didn't Know Existed

14. The Greatest 404 Page In History

Stumbling across a 404 error page is an experience often tinged with shame, regret, or even anger at the bad, broken link that sent you there in the first place. It's like dialling a wrong number yet somehow worse, an act of good fate that immediately announces itself and makes you feel stupid. Oh, what, you don't how the internet works, little baby? That's okay, just try again. Why don't you double check that you actually spelt the URl correctly, or that you didn't click on something you shouldn't have? Those are literally the only two courses of action. If neither of those work out, then maybe the internet just isn't for you. Thank goodness, then, for the missing pages that have a sense of humour. The 404 errors that don't make you feel like a total web newb who can't click their way out of a paper bag, but simply an adventurous sort who simply took a wrong turn somewhere along the way, and will soon be back on track. In most cases you'll get your regular, common error page as above, but every so often you might end up on a Russian hosting site which rewards your mistake with a couple of stick figures on a building site to a never-ending loop of Moldovan music. You're welcome.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/