15 Amazing Websites You Didn't Know Existed

13. Something To Do With Smallville

Somebody saaaaaaaave us, we don't care how you do it just saaaaaave, saaaaave come on. We're on the original 2002 website for the hit WB series Smallville, later to become mediocre CW series Smallville, later to become soon-to-be-cancelled comic book Smallville Season Eleven. The Superman prequel series that spent a lot more time on Clark Kent's teen drama than Kal-El's flying around, shooting laser beams out of his eyes and beating up a bald bad guy actually started off pretty well, with a decent following buying into the more grounded storylines and the supporting cast vastly expanded from the comic book's slim pickings of the elder Kents and Lana Lang. One of our favourite characters (what, we watched the first couple of seasons, they were okay!) was Chloe, the nerdy-in-an-acceptably-gorgeous-Hollywood-way classmate of Clark and Lana who was occasionally in a love triangle between the two, but spent the majority of her time working on the school paper and tracking down all the weird, superpowered Kryptonian stuff that had hit her Kansas hometown since Baby Superman crash landed there. Prefiguring the trend for online viral marketing by a good decade, Warner Bros hit a secret Chloe-related page in their Smallville website. Click on the link for the Smallville Torch, click on the crow's eye, then login with the username is csullivan and password wallofweird to gain access to Chloe's old-school iMac. Geeky and goofy and kinda charming, in an old-timey internet way. To be honest we're not even sure if even the Smallville site itself counts as hidden...
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/