15 Awesome Names For Things You Never Knew Had Names

11. Contronym

A contronym, also known as a self-antonym, is a word for the rare words that have homographs (words that are spelled the exact same way) that are also antonyms (words with opposite meanings). Essentially, these words can themselves act as their own opposites, a bizarre idiosyncrasy of this endlessly fascinating language. There are a few examples of common contronyms in English: one prominent one is €œinflammable,€ which can either mean €œcombustible€ or €œnon-combustible,€ making it a fairly useless word. Mostly, we now use €œflammable€ to denote things that catch fire spontaneously so that, well, they don€™t. €œRent€ is another example, in that it can refer to either borrowing or lending (or the heartwarming, Tony-winning musical); €œscreen€ can mean to show or to conceal; €œoversight€ means supervision, but an €œoversight€ goes unnoticed. And there are surprisingly more examples besides for a language who€™s main purpose is clarity of communication.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.