15 Awesome Names For Things You Never Knew Had Names

10. Paresthesia

Paresthesia sounds like a dramatic medical condition, but in reality, it€™s just a word for the prickling sensation that you get when your limbs fall asleep, also commonly referred to as €œpins and needles.€ Which, when you get it, does sometimes feel like a dramatic medical condition €“ thankfully, it€™s most commonly a transient symptom, meaning it€™ll go away after you get off your computer for a few minutes. Paresthesia is most commonly caused by a temporary restriction of blood flow to an area of nerves, typically if you€™ve been sitting on that body part for too long, but can also be caused by some viruses that cause tingling. If your paresthesia is chronic, it usually means there€™s an actual dramatic medical condition involved interfering with the function of neurons or blood circulation.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.