15 Awesome Names For Things You Never Knew Had Names

8. Mondegreen

You've all done it, and you've all felt extremely stupid about it after the fact. Seriously, there is nobody in the world who has not created a mondegreen €“ there was even a short-lived, Aguilera-featured meme about it. Though it sounds like an abstract art piece, creating a mondegreen just means mishearing song lyrics and substituting similar words in to make it make sense. The term originates from an essay by Sylvia Wright who misheard a line from the ballad €œThe Bonnie Earl o€™ Moray,€ mistaking the line €œAnd laid him on the green€ for €œAnd Lady Mondegreen.€ Psychological explanations state that humans do this upon mishearing because of our brain€™s attempt to understand the song by making assumptions to make sense out of nonsense. Others suggest that mondegreens tend to be less plausible than the actual lyrics, but because you're stubborn creatures, you €œlock it in€ to your brains. Whatever the case may be, the line €œConcrete jungle whipped cream tomato€ shows that Jay-Z€™s Empire State of Mind is a far more culinary tune than anyone would€™ve thought.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.