15 Awesome Ways To Epically Resign Your Call Centre Job
15. The Hang-Up Marathon
Okay, we're starting with the obvious. However, listening to the mind-numbing complaints of the faceless thousands, day after day, will eventually make even the strongest start looking at that loaded gun of a release button as a welcomed stranger. What would it feel like to just hang up the call and end the pain? About the equivalent of a death warrant since you realize it would mean your job. Then comes that one day when you just can't take it anymore. You had a bad morning, a rough time on your way to work, and now a very unreasonable caller is screaming at you. Already at rock bottom you go for broke and hang-up... and like a crazy maniac you keep hanging up until someone notices a few hundred calls later. By then your free as a bird.
14. Pretend To Fire Your Boss
Picture this: Your boss, back from a weekend with the kids they have custody over twice a month, coming into the office early Monday morning. He or she flicks on the light with an elbow, their hands full of meaningless paperwork and the cliche coffee mug. They set all that junk down, then jump out of their skin when they notice you sitting behind the desk, fingers laced. "Sit down," you begin. "We need to talk." Tell them you've got to let them go, offer a small apology, and a severance package. Then tell them it's effective immediately and offer to walk them off the premise. They'll either be laughing or fuming so hard by this point they won't know how to respond when you end with, "Hey, just kidding, but no seriously, I quit."
aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation