15 'Facts' You're All Wrong About

1. You Have Two Nostrils

€œ€Okay, now you€™re just being stupid.€
Nope. Sorry to weird you out here, but the human body evolved in some outlandish ways, and there are some evolutionary hangovers that didn€™t go away when we developed thumbs, the Cloud and bungee-jumping. This is a case in point: you know that we evolved from fish, don€™t you? Yes, yes €“ everyone says apes, monkeys, or apemonkey-like creatures, but they€™re just not being thorough enough. Well, scientists devoting their lives to observing how fish breathe (don€™t laugh, they got up late and all the good science was already taken) noticed a long time ago that fish have two sets of nostrils for taking in water: one for letting it in, and one for letting it out again sans oxygen. Inevitably, some bright spark asked (probably in a haze of smoky inspiration at 4am after a heavy night out) why, if we evolved from fish, we don€™t have two sets of nostrils ourselves. Well, we absolutely do€ it€™s just that the second set is riiiight back inside our heads. Called choannae, which is from the Greek for €˜funnel€™ (so much more poetic than €˜nostril€™, which is from the Old English for €˜nose-hole€™), they€™re the holes that connect the nose to the throat and actually allow us to breathe through our noses. Apparently these second nostrils migrated right back through our faces over untold millennia of evolution, resulting in some incredibly ugly amphibious ancestors of ours with (probably) faceholes like sucking wounds. Lovely. What€™s your favourite well known €˜fact€™ that€™s actually total fiction? Shock, edify and weird us out in the comments. 500 Internet Points if you come up with one we€™ve not heard before€
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.