15 Idiotic Laws That Only Exist In America

13. It Is Illegal To Whisper In Someone's Ear While Moose Hunting (Alaska)

Moose hunting? Yea, no problem. Kill the beautiful beast. Just make sure your mate's not telling a really good joke about said moose in your ear. Or be aware that your girlfriend's not whispering sweet nothings, buttering your ego, letting you know how tough you are for popping a cap in that mammal's *ss. If anything should be illegal in this situation, it's probably more the slaughter of animals for pleasure than the whispering in the ear. After all, if moose hunting is perfectly legal, why is a subtle whisper in the ear while hunting one not? Maybe it's simply precaution, just in case your aim goes askew which results in you missing the moose, sparing its miserable life. Unfortunately, only the creator of this stupid law can answer the big questions. The rest of the world can only sit and wonder, mocking its stupidity from afar.

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Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.