15 Incredible Websites That Will Rule 2014

15. Medium

As 2012 came to a close, Evan Williams and Biz Stone (two of the guys who made Twitter happen) had a pretty awesome idea: put Blogger and Wordpress to shame with a blog publishing platform that is as addictive as Twitter. They called it Medium, as in the medium size between a Tweet and a normal blog post. The idea caught on like wildfire, as the site welcomed many users to create their own works of writing art on the beautiful interface of Medium. The crafted the website to have a more sophisticated look about it. They wanted writers to be able to publish something that actually looks really good without having to spend hours designing a website. This way, writers could gain kudos for their work without having to be a master of SEO and graphic design. This is because it is sorted by topic, rather than writer. This unique format allows more people to feel like a contributor, rather than a lone wolf. It actually works a lot like Reddit, in which people essentially vote for the writing that will be viewed the most. Why It's Going To Rule... Though it is young, posts on Medium manage to appear among the Internet's most trending topics quite often (that is actually how I stumbled upon the platform in the first place). With more people publishing and collaborating on Medium each day, 2014 can and probably will be the year that the site truly takes off.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com