15 Fashion Mistakes Men Make (That Put All Women Off)

12. Bright Coloured Socks With Trousers

You can't exactly go wrong with socks and some men like to wear bright coloured socks if they're wearing a dull, black suit every day. Which is fine, but only if you can't see said socks. Although it is inevitable that when you guys sit down, your trousers are going to rise and you'll see some ankle - how cheeky. But what really turns a woman off is when you're wearing budgies and you can see the socks regardless of your position. It's even worse if they're white socks and you're wearing a black suit because she'll automatically think of the King of Pop who wasn't famous for his sex appeal, unfortunately.
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Andy Samberg
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com