15 Mind-Blowing Cat Facts You Need To Know
2. They Sleep For 70% Of Their Life
Unlike humans, cats are capable of sleeping for 70% of their lives, which equates to anywhere between 13 and 17 hours each day - that's nearly three times the regular amount your writer gets each night. Jealousy is not the word to use right now. Even more impressive is the fact that kittens and older cats can sleep up to 80% of their lives.
According to Jawad Ahmad of Veterinary Hub, cats are most often crepuscular, meaning those animals who are most active during the late night to early morning hours. As a result, our four-legged friends can usually spend the majority of the daytime lounging around the house, especially on warmer days when there's plenty of sunshine for them to soak in.
It's been stated that the reason for this happening is because cats have different body rhythms compared to humans. While us humans only need one period of deep sleep within a 24 hour period, cats require a few periods of light sleep alongside their period of deep sleep throughout the day. During their lighter sleeping patterns, cats are usually aware of what's going on around them, which isn't the case during their deep sleeps.
Anyone else really wish they were a cat right now?