15 Mind-Blowing NASA Images

6. The Birth Of Stars

This closeup of the Carina Nebula shows off one of the Universe's most fascinating processes: star birth. The distinctive swirls and curves of the nebula are formed due to ultraviolet radiation that emanates from the stars that are born within. The Carina Nebula is situated around 7,500 light-years from Earth, and can be seen in the Carina the Keel constellation. This image is actually a mosaic created from 48 different frames captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, with the colour added using data from teh Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.

5. Infrared Horsehead Nebula

Released by NASA to celebrate the Hubble Space Telescope's 23rd year in orbit, this photo shows a part of Barnard 33, also known as the Horsehead Nebula. Located around 1500 light years from Earth, the Horsehead Nebula is one of the most distinctive nebulae thanks to its distinctive shape of the dark dust and gases. The above image shows off the Horsehead Nebula in infrared light, giving it a far more fragile appearance than more traditional photos. Infrared light is able to far more easily penetrate the usual layer of dust that surrounds the nebula, allowing us to see farther into its inner regions.
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