15 Mind-Blowing NASA Images

4. Galaxy's Edge

This image of galaxy NGC 5866 looks particularly incredible due to Earth's unique perspective. From our viewpoint, we see NGC 5866 almost perfectly edge-on, giving it a striking appearance in comparison to its many neighbours. If you were to view NGC 5866 from above, you'd see a disk galaxy with a bright white nucleus. Around the outside lies a reddish dust surrounding the whole galaxy and a light halo that's dotted with globular clusters filled with millions of stars.

3. Star Angel

This incredible star forming region is found in the Cygnus constellation, and is notable for looking remarkably like an angel spreading its wings. The hourglass shape is due to a star forming behind the dust in the very centre of the region. The star is also the reason for the heavy amount of turbulence that can be seen within the 'wings', giving a cloud-like appearance. These clouds are actually hydrogen, coloured blue in this image for visibility.
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