15 Old School Photos That Prove The World Used To Be Completely Insane
8. Babies Hanging From The Side Of Apartments (1930s)
Nowadays, we freak out if a baby has even a slight dribbly nose. Imagine hanging them from the side of a five-storey flat, suspended by a bit of wood and metal gauze. It was all for good though, as these baby cages of the 1930s were designed for families living in apartments who wanted their children to get more sunlight. Ever heard of a walk?
7. Dogs At The Barbers (1961)
Whoever said there should be a separate place for men and dogs to get groomed in the first place? This handsome chap, called Fritz, was a TV celebrity Boxer, and here we can see him getting shaved by a Californian barber. Let's hope it's just a promotional stunt and they're not actually removing the mutt's whiskers. Either that, or it's an Extreme Makeovers programme and this is Brigitte Bardot's "before" photo.
6. Ice Cold Whisky Dispensers In Offices (1950s)
Can we get a HELL YEAH? The 1950s was quite clearly the place to be. Forget the morning coffee when you roll up to the office for another nine-to-five drag, we'll have an ice cold whisky mofos!
5. The Greatest Invention For Antisocial People, Ever (1939)
Nothing says 'stay out my personal space' like a massive sharp object protruding from your face. These face cones were actually, believe it or not, a super fashionable way to protect oneself in the event of a snowstorm. We want one for the morning commute.