15 Problems Only People Living In Dubai Will Understand

12. The Inevitability Of The "Dubai Stone"

One thing that Dubai really has going for it is the number and variety of incredible restaurants available to residents. Every kind of menu under the sun is available in some of the nicest venues you're likely to eat in. Finding somewhere to eat is never a problem - deciding from the thousands of places to choose from sometimes can be. Eating out is always a pleasure, but as anyone who has lived in Dubai for a certain length of time will tell you it certainly has its downside. That downside has become rather unaffectionately known as the "Dubai stone". While many people arrive in Dubai assuming that they'll pick up an active, outdoor lifestyle, it doesn't take long for the reality to kick in. That reality - that the rather lavish and often gluttonous lifestyle eating in fancy restaurants isn't perhaps the healthiest of all - usually manifests itself around the waistline. Predictably, obesity is on the rise in Dubai with no signs of slowing down - even children as young as 11 have been fitted with gastic bands.
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