15 Problems Only Star Wars Fans Will Understand

5. Constantly Having To Defend The Prequels

Let€™s be frank: collectively, the three prequels are probably one of the worst things to have been inflicted upon humanity alongside multiple world wars, organised religion and Facebook. As well as having countless continuity errors, an appalling stench of abysmal acting that still stings the senses even now, and truly diabolical dialogue, the prequels are a sickly-sweet, on-screen heart attack of garish CGI and self-indulgent action sequences. They could basically have been cobbled together by a half-cut fanboy using Windows '95. And you know it. And it kills you. But despite their negative reviews and destructive legacy you try your utmost to convince people they€™re vital to the franchise for the way they show how sulk-faced little shit Anakin Skywalker grew up to be smooth-talking despot Darth Vader. With the added extra of Samuel L. Jackson wielding a PURPLE lightsaber which, amazingly, had never actually been seen before in the Star Wars dystopia. So there€™s always that.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.