12. You Build Your Schedule Around Trips Rather Than The Other Way Around.
So many places to go and so little time to do it! You probably try to look for the most flexible work schedule possible, or one that allows for travel, so you can get you fix and go on your next adventure!
11. You Can Zip Through Airport Security
You know how to get through that security line in mere seconds. Slip on shoes, layers and minimal liquids are your secrets to success. You only hope that you don't get stuck behind the slow poke with the bundle of electronics and excess sandal straps.
10. You're A Pro At Packing Lightly
You know what you need to survive and which clothes hold up for multiple days (or weeks) without a wash. With varying baggage requirements throughout the world, you've found a system that works for all of them, which means less is more.
9. You've Learned Basic Phrases In Multiple Languages Just In Case
Dondé está el baño? Où est la gare la plus proche? Wie viel ist ein Bier? You know all of the important questions to ask.
8. You Follow More Travel Instagram Accounts Than Actual People
When you get tired of looking at your own photos, you like to look at others'. Your entire Instagram feed consists of sites of far-off places that make your travel cravings spike to an all-time high, as they are your motivation to plan your next trip.
7. All Of Your #TBT Photos Are From Past Trips
Again, posting old travel photos is another coping mechanism for being stuck at home. Your friends are probably already tired of your adventure shots and are concerned that you don't post anything else.
Holland Baker is based in New York City, where she is an editor, writer and co-host of Whatever It Takes: A Degrassi Podcast. In her free time, you can find her searching for bodega cats, eating mass amounts of pizza and using humor as a defense mechanism.