15 Signs You’re About To Be Fired

3. Your Find Your Job Being Advertised

Welp! This is it. If you were still on the fence at all, still had a shred of doubt in your mind you can be certain that it has gone now. It's your job role, right there in black and white. On paper. For the world to see. And they're offering more than you're currently being paid... It's ok. Hold back the tears. You're a big boy. It all seems so real now. That time you had to write up what your job actually involves, well that is what is being used to find your replacement. It's like signing your own death warrant, and it stings. Oh, how it stings. Nothing to do now but roll over, curl up, and try not to cry.

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.