What it means: Boobs, funbags, breasts. Usually female. Also, whenever someone is making a fool out of themselves, you're allowed to call them a tit. When someone has had a bit too much to drink and is convinced that they're doing the moonwalk but they're really just walking backwards. When to use it: When there's some urgency involving mention of your boobs. Tit is always a much more pronounced way of saying it. When someone has had a bit too much to drink and is convinced that they're doing the moonwalk but they're really just walking backwards or when Gretchen is trying to make "fetch" happen. "Seriously, stop trying to make fetch happen. It isn't going to happen, you tit." Where it came from: The word is derived from Old English 'titt' meaning 'teat' or 'nipple'. Of course the blue tit has a colourful chest which made it recognisable amongst other birds but it basically refers to something small in size. In the 1700s it was used when talking about a young girl or woman. In the other usage, it's possibly derived the same way as boob - meaning a fool.