15 Terrifying Animals That Are Way Smaller Than You
5. The Bullet Ant
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it0V7xv9qu0Ants are among the most adaptable and indestructible insect species on the planet. Though some species are relatively harmless to humans, there are many more that are just as dangerous, capable of doing considerable harm when they swarm.
Though the Trap-Jaw Ant has the fastest bite of any insect, and the Driver Ant lives in an unstoppable juggernaut of a colony, it’s the Bullet Ant that deserves this spot on this list. The Bullet Ant gets its name from the pain of its sting which, according to Dr. Schultz, the man who submitted himself to different animal stings to determine the pain they can inflict (which is either the ballsiest or stupidest decision in human history), feels like actually getting shot with a gun.
This inch-long insect can cause such immense, burning pain that you’d feel as though someone had shot you. Worse yet, the pain lasts for an incredibly long time, sometimes more than 24 hours. While it makes for a logical defense mechanism for an ant that has to deal with countless predators, it also makes for a terrifying ritual for indigenous tribes. Some tribes have rituals involving putting your hands in special gloves filled with these ants, and young boys have to wear them without screaming in order to become men.
South America: producing the toughest men since forever.