15 Things That Always Happen When You Shop At Primark

10. You Begin To Pile Unnecessary Items Into Your Cart

The ease of pulling a cart behind you allows you to forget how many items you actually have in there. A memory foam pillow for £8? DEAL.

9. You Start Rationalizing Every Item In Said Cart

You obviously NEED these leggings covered in candy print for that Candyland-themed party you will someday attend, right? And that dinosaur onesie? Get in the cart.

8. The Inevitable Struggle With Your Pulley Cart On The Escalator

You'd think that the engineers at Primark would have figured out an escalator system that would accommodate these pulley carts, alas, the carts always seem just a little to wide for the stairs. Hey, at least it's a workout.

7. You Cringe At The Mountain Of Clothing That Inevitably Builds In Cart

You contemplate going through the pile to eliminate some items, but it's just too much work. You promptly ignore this thought and keep scooping up everything in reach. You NEED this stuff, man.

6. The Sheer Terror When Seeing The Fitting Room Queue

Time to start revisiting sections you've already been to in order to avoid it. Maybe it will get shorter, you keep telling yourself, as your mountain of items increases to an alarming height.

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Holland Baker is based in New York City, where she is an editor, writer and co-host of Whatever It Takes: A Degrassi Podcast. In her free time, you can find her searching for bodega cats, eating mass amounts of pizza and using humor as a defense mechanism.