15 Things That Always Happen When You Shop At Primark
5. "Only Five Items Allowed In The Fitting Room"
Damn. You always have more items than is allowed. This then forces you to leave your cart with the fitting room attendant and to keep revisiting the cart to trade out more selections. It seems like a more cumbersome process than just bringing in the whole cart at once.
4. The Anti-Climax When You Eventually See Yourself In Your Chosen Items
It appears 90% of your basket looked better on the rack. Not to mention the fact Primark's less-than-flattering lighting is making you look like a baboon in a swimsuit.
3. Resulting In You Leaving The Fitting Room With Significantly Less Clothing (Hopefully)
This lures you into thinking that you've saved a huge amount of money by doing so. This false sense of security lasts until you reach the till. Dr Pepper lip balm, ooh!
2. The Mini Heart Attack When Seeing Your Total At The Till
But you eliminated so many items. How can this be? Your spirit is so crushed, however, that you just accept the bill and hand over your money.
1. You Emerge The Store Feeling As If You've Just Survived A War
Victory! You've survived the trenches - it's been emotional, but it's over now. Time to go home and never wear any of the clothes you've just bought. See you next week, Primark.