15 Things You Miss About Being A Kid At Christmas

2. When Family Arrive They Have Presents For You And Not Just A Hug

Christmas Vacation Unfortunately, you get to a certain age when you just stop getting presents off your aunties, uncles, grandmas and granddads. It€™s not entirely clear when exactly this happens. It will probably vary from family to family but the cutting off of gifts is probably when the seed of festive cynicism is sown. But when you€™re teeny it€™s delightful to know that once one round of presents have been opened there€™ll be another round to come off visiting family members. Seeing them pull up in the car outside then flop out armed with bundle upon bundle of presents with your name on them is tantalising. It really makes up for having to endure a sloppy red-lipped kiss right on the lips off your over exuberant grandma. As you get older, however, actual presents disappear. Instead you get simple hugs and kisses off your aunties and a vice-like handshake off your uncles, occasionally with a merry punch in the arm for good measure. Which isn€™t half as much fun.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.