15 Things Nobody Admits They Do On Facebook

1. Stalking

Not as sinister as its title may suggest, Facebook stalking is a denser, digital version of people watching, only this time we have the power to seek out who we size up and don't have to be sat in a Cafe Nero to do it. Stalking on Facebook comes in so many guises; it could be something as leisurely as trawling through a newly-added friend's news feed or riffling through a suggested friend's profile.Naughtier still, this can escalate to ploughing through the photos of someone you deem to be hot or checking in on a long gone ex. This is and will always remain one of our guilty pleasures and, let's face it, is something that every single person registered with Facebook has been a perpetrator of at some point. Long may it continue. So, do you like what's been listed? Happy with what's been written and haven't gone scrambling for the imaginary unlike button? That's great. But please don't hesitate to take the leap and share your thoughts below on the comments thread.
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Shaun is a former contributor for a number of Future Publishing titles and more recently worked as a staffer at Imagine Publishing. He can now be found banking in the daytime and writing a variety of articles for What Culture, namely around his favourite topics of film, retro gaming, music, TV and, when he's feeling clever, literature.