15 Things That Will Happen If You Get Into Pole Dancing

5. People Will Judge You

21 Train Pole Dance Spill

Aside from the pain and suffering, you'll have people that will judge you for the workout you've chosen. Your mom, grandma, grandma's friends and even people your own age will ask if you've lost the plot, and although you think you might have, you still think you can do it.

Yes it might not be the most conservative workout on the scene (far from it really), but who are they to judge? They're not there for every fall, every muscle cramp and every time you succeed, so why should you care what they think? If anything, their judgement of you should just motivate you to do so much better.


"Don't take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway." Twitter: @GrungyUnicorn Instagram: https://instagram.com/mlgabriel22/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mlgabrielwriting