16 Wonderful Things That Feminism Has Completely Ruined

8. You Now Have To Choose If You Want Your Chair Pulled Out For You

Man Pulling Out Chair For Woman Gif Gif

Chivalry is no longer an option, it's consensual and it does works both ways. If you go out to dinner for a man and he pulls out your chair then that's absolutely fine; he isn't being sexist or saying that you're incapable of doing it yourself, he's simply being polite. Unfortunately, because of an odd perception that chivalry is somehow a sibling of bigotry, nobody is ever going to pull a chair out for anyone for fear of being branded some sort of sexist monster. Apart from ones who, you know, ask. And if you want to pay for dinner then go for it - why should a man always have to pay for your steak when you're perfectly capable of providing yourself with some delicious, juicy meat? But if he asks to pay, that's also fine. Just communicate like real people.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com