16 Most Evil Psychopaths In Literature

5. Frank Cauldhame €“ The Wasp Factory By Iain Banks

Wasps Gif Gif Frank is sixteen years old, he hunts around the island where he lives for animals that he can kill and mount their heads on to large Sacrifice Poles so he can off potential visitors. The Wasp Factory is written in a first-person account as we see through his eyes, the life of a true psychopath. Home-schooled on the island and receiving his only education from his father, Frank does not technically exist to the outside world. Within his own world he has not had an easy life, as a toddler his own genitals were bitten off by his fathers vicious bulldog. Frank claims he even killed his own siblings detailing €˜Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul, for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I€™d disposed of Blyth€™ His murderous streak appears motivated by an warped internal logic and the entire narrative is centred around this on-going puzzle where we try to understand the life events of a psychopath.
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