16 Most Evil Psychopaths In Literature

4. Patrick Bateman - American Psycho By Brett Easton Ellis

Patrick Bateman is more than likely the first name that will come to mind when asked to think of well known psychopaths. For those who had not read the book they were introduced to him in 2000 as Christian Bale portrayed the 27 year old Executive Banker in New York City. On the surface he€™s the man who looks as if he has it all; the looks, the style and the brains. The sinister side to him though is he is also obsessive-compulsive, controlling and has returning dark fantasies. The kind of psychopath who€™s real motivation comes from a deep-rooted hatred of himself, his professional life has become so shallow and empty that killing innocent people distracts him from all the hate building up inside. He murders colleagues, prostitutes and strangers. The book is banned in many countries, never sold to anyone under 18 and is also displayed in some shops covered in shrink rap.
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