16 Most Evil Psychopaths In Literature

1. Annie Wilkes - Misery By Stephen King

Known as one of the most unique and disturbing characters to come out of a Stephen King novel. Annie Wilkes, a former nurse, finds her favourite author Paul Sheldon in a car accident; she takes him into her home and appears to help get him back to good health. She then keeps Sheldon trapped and goes to extreme lengths or torture him mentally and physically. Her character came from King€™s own personal battle with drugs, he describes his creative process as €˜Annie was my drug problem, and she was my number-one fan. God, she never wanted to leave.€™ Throughout the novel her obsessive and childlike character is revealed. She demonstrates some very disturbing, psychotic behaviour from including enticing auto-cannibalism as she slices off Paul€™s thumb and uses it as a candle on a birthday cake threatening to make him eat it. Annie€™s motivation is that she fears that which is beyond her control. She needs to be in complete command and destroys anything that appears to go against her cold and calculating inner desires. Which psychopaths have been playing on your mind? Let us know in the comments below...
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Long Island Little Lady. According to some blogging isn't a real job yet here I am... Contributor for TV; Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fortitude. Nintendo Obsessed. Pop Queen. Offbeat fan. @elliotbleuth