16 Most Evil Psychopaths In Literature

16. Becky Sharp - Vanity Fair By William Makepeace Thackeray

Becky Vanity Fair Gif Intelligent, witty, pretty and decisive; what more positive traits could one young woman need when leaving school to enter the big wide world? As a young orphan who believes the world owes her something she will literally stop at nothing to get what she wants leading her into real sociopath tendencies; ensnaring married men, illegitimate gambling and financial cons. Even her own son suffers as he is continuously mis-treated and neglected at the hands of his own mother who has a complete unwillingness to bond with anyone. Seen in more modern times as a feminist icon, Becky continues to plot and scheme with no consequence for repercussions or even an ounce of guilt. One evil woman who will stop at nothing to get the highest ranks of society.
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